Adam Grant is well known to many. He has some excellent books and podcasts on effective communication in a society where beliefs and opinions will always be diverse i.e., A nuanced approach to a nuanced group.

This is obviously not and easy task but it is literally a vital one. If we continue to compete as a species, seeing only zero sum outcomes, at some point our species will fail. That point will be well short of our potential and will be a direct result of our own choices.

At some point, we must not only be intelligent, we must choose to act intelligently, as many wise minds have noted over millennia.

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Craig. I'm a huge Adam Grant fan. Of his own work and of the Next BIg Idea Club of which he is a cofounder. I don't think Cave cites Gran'ts work (I did not check out every footone/reference), but he does draw heavily on others at Penn, including Martin Seligmanand Angela Duckworth. Thanks for the comment. It helps me think through my own writing and political work.

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bell hooks taught us that love is a verb. In that spirit, I’m here to believe in community as a verb, too.

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Thanks Pooja. I had forgotten that line. Grammatically, "love" is an easier verb. No easier to do in real life than peacing or communitying. But we can use a whole lot more of all three.

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